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State Factory

Welcome to State Factory, a library that simplifies the creation of complex autonomous tasks using finite state machines.

In this documentation, we will be covering installation, usages within the game, and some examples to see how the vision of State Factory comes to life.

What is a Finite State Machine?

Finite State Machines (FSM) have been an efficient and popular method within the FTC Community for use in both autonomous and tele-operated sequences. This is because FSMs allow for multiple actions to run at the same time within one state. Essentially, a finite state machine is a collection of states where in each state something different may execute and it can transition to another state.

More detail can be found at

A key feature of a finite state machine is the ability to run in a non-linear order. This means that your autonomous can go back to previous states/steps, allowing for a much more adaptive system.

Credits: Vikram - Don't Blink & Adam - Phantom

We wanted to give a special thank you to Noah who created Jotai, the main inspiration behind this project, and Wolfpack Machina who showed us the potential behind these systems. If you have more questions or have some recommendations that should be added, feel free to reach out to @.vvk. or @doublebubble_ on Discord.

Last updated